About IPTN
The International Pediatric Thrombosis Network is a group of pediatric thrombosis experts whose ultimate goal is to improve care of all children with thrombosis worldwide through international research collaboration and education.
The IPTN is initiated by the Pediatric and Neonatal Hemostasis and Thrombosis Scientific and Standardization Committee of the International Society of Thrombosis and Haemostasis.
It enables international research collaboration in pediatric thrombosis by facilitating prospective international observational studies using the Throm-PED registry. In addition, the IPTN serves as a platform for the Throm-PED Clinical Trial Network, a network of pediatric thrombosis centers with clinical trial experience and infrastructure to effectively conduct both investigator-initiated academic trials and industry-sponsored trials. From 2025 data monitoring and analysis will be provided by Johns Hopkins All Children’s Data Coordinating Center for Pediatric Multicenter Studies (DCC-PMCS, or “DCC” for short).
Current structure of the IPTN

- 2023 Unrestricted grant from Boehringer Ingelheim
- 2023 Unrestricted grant from Bristol Myers Squibb
- 2023 INVENT-VTE grant for Pulmonary Embolism project
- 2025 ISTH grant for Pulmonary Embolism Project/Prospect trial